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  • 11 Steps


***THIS IS AN EXCERPT FROM MY LONGER COURSE, "SYMBOLSPEAK: DECRYPTING AND RESCRIPTING REALITY."*** I offer this "mini-course" as a chance for people to see my teaching style & get a sense of what I offer, before making a larger investment in "the big course." At the end of this course is a coupon code for $22 off SYMBOLSPEAK, so you can graduate to SYMBOLSPEAK without paying twice for the same content. This course teaches: 1. WHAT questions are: "Ask and ye shall receive" is a cosmic law. If you ask, you WILL receive. This is because Questions are energetic master keys that open the door to any and every dimension you desire. 2. WHY questions work: I go deep on the metaphysics of Questions — how they're able to affect the subtle realms, transfigure your mind, break old patterns,and catalyze the manifestation of ANYthing you want! 3. HOW to ask questions: Most people don't get what they want because they're asking the wrong questions. I'll teach you how to avoid this mistake & optimize your questions for full creative power! I'll also teach you how to recognize when you've received the Answer you seek. This 22-minute crash-course on the cosmic power of QUESTIONS is perfect for... ~ anyone who's into "manifestation" (a.k.a. the Law of Attraction) ~ anyone who's trying to find a solution to a problem or having trouble making a decision ~ anyone who's ready for their life to shift in a new direction ~ anyone who's ready to learn how to get in touch with their own inner guidance system, or Intuition ~ anyone who'd like to experience my teaching style before going all-in on SYMBOLSPEAK basically, anyone ;)

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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